Wanna make money online? You have heard about the Green Pista app on the Google Play Store. Many social media influencers claim users earn money by selling notes. Like many users, you are here to know whether it pays. Don’t worry. I will clear up all your doubts regarding Green Pista in this article. So, don’t skip; read the article thoroughly.
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Green Pista App Details

Green Pista is an app available on the Google Play Store. Recently, this app has been gaining popularity because of its simple way of making money. Green Pista offers a service for buying and selling Indian currency notes. You have to scan notes on their mobile application, and if they find your note value high, they will list it in their selling list.
It looks like a crazy way to make money! The value of the note depends on the serial number of the note. If any serial number is related to any famous person, then it will be valued highly. Otherwise, it will be valued as a regular note. I also tried the Green Pista app and scanned thousands of notes but got no positive response.
Green Pista App Real or Fake
Green Pista is an app that provides services for buying and selling high-value currency notes. The question arises here: can you make money through this app? The answer can be Yes or No. Many people are interested in buying notes of their date of birth, so they purchase notes from here. I tried Green Pista, and my opinion about it is pretty different.
Green Pista is a legitimate app, and you can earn money by selling notes here but getting a buyer here is problematic. You can’t earn money quickly. If anyone wants to purchase your note, you must deliver it to that person. After successful delivery, the app pays you the money after cutting off their service charges. At Last, you can’t earn quick money from here; making money will take time and effort.
Green Pista App Review
Green Pista
Green Pista offers a service for buying and selling Indian currency notes. You have to scan notes on their mobile application, and if they find your note value high, they will list it in their selling list.
Green Pista is a legitimate app, and you can earn money by selling notes here but getting a buyer here is problematic. You can’t earn money quickly.